Jumat, 18 April 2014

In the Men's Room

"A man once asked me … how I managed in my books to write such natural conversation between men when they were by themselves. Was I, by any chance, a member of a large, mixed family with a lot of male friends? I replied that, on the contrary, I was an only child and had practically never seen or spoken to any men of my own age till I was about twenty-five. “Well,” said the man, “I shouldn’t have expected a woman (meaning me) to have been able to make it so convincing.” I replied that I had coped with this difficult problem by making my men talk, as far as possible, like ordinary human beings. This aspect of the matter seemed to surprise the other speaker; he said no more, but took it away to chew it over. One of these days it may quite likely occur to him that women, as well as men, when left to themselves, talk very much like human beings also."

Dorothy L. Sayers, Are Women Human?: Astute and Witty Essays on the Role of Women in Society
Book Geek Quote #445

Qasimi Homme FW13²

marlenka 1 (by Kamilagro)

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Richard James “Teddy Bear” coat.

Dsquared2 Fall -Winter Campaign 2013 
photographed by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott

John Malkovich by Vincent Peterson

Cartier  by Vincent Peterson

Top Hats, Horse Show, Old Madison Square Garden, Ted Croner, 1947-48
Ted Croner (1922-2005)

"For me, a woman who is absorbed in her work, who does not care about gaining one’s favour, strong yet subtle at the same time, is essentially more seductive. The more she hides and abandons her femininity, the more it emerges from the very heart of her existence."

-Yohji Yamamoto 

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